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Sunday, 1 August 2021

Monsoon Health Tips: Follow these 5 tips to avoid infection during monsoon

Monsoon Health Tips: Follow these 5 tips to avoid infection during monsoon

 A person's immune system weakens during the rainy season.  Walking in cold air causes cold-cough.  As much as it is fun this season, it is also important to be careful.

 Many people are eagerly awaiting the monsoon.  This season is both cold and hot.  A person's immune system weakens during the rainy season.  Drinking contaminated water, overeating can upset the stomach.  When moving in cold air causes cold-cough.  As much as it is fun this season, it is also important to be careful.

 Follow these 5 tips to avoid infection

 વાતાવરણ Monsoon climate is cold and hot.  So it is important to be careful about eating.  Consume Immunity Booster Things.  Drink turmeric milk at night.  Consumption of turmeric milk keeps the body warm.  Absolutely no illness.  There is no risk of any kind of infection.  Colds, coughs, fevers do not occur.  Junk or street food should be avoided during this season.

 If you have a habit of drinking tea, you can drink herbal tea.  It will act as an immunity booster as well as relieve stress.  Put honey instead of sugar in herbal tea.  It does not cause any damage

 બચ Avoid eating raw, leafy vegetables during the rainy season.  Wash it well and eat it.  Green or leafy vegetables contain micro-organisms, which can cause any disease by mistake.  So avoid raw vegetables.  Instead wash and use in warm water.

 ઘરમાં Humidity comes to the house during the rainy season.  Keep such places dry.  Mosquitoes and worms infest places in damp places. Mosquito bites cause dengue, chickenpox and viral fever.  Never fold a wet towel or cloth, otherwise it will start to stink after drying.
Monsoon Health Tips: Follow these 5 tips to avoid infection during monsoon
ગુજરાતી માં માહિતી માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો 
  Do not allow water to flood anywhere around the house during the rainy season.  Use your own with phenyl.  Filling with water spreads the transition very quickly.  Regular cleaning is essential this season.  Keep spraying disinfectant to prevent the spread of infection.

Monsoon Health Tips: Follow these 5 tips to avoid infection during monsoon

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