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Thursday, 14 October 2021

Digital Gujarat Scholarship - 2071 Principals and teachers and parents of every school / college are requested to convey this information to every student.

Digital Gujarat Scholarship - 2071 Principals and teachers and parents of every school / college are requested to convey this information to every student.
Digital Gujarat Scholarship - 2071 Principals and teachers and parents of every school / college are requested to convey this information to every student.

 * Who can apply? *

 Students studying in Std. 11-12, College, ITI, Diploma, Degree, Medical, Pharmacy, B.Ed, PTC, Agricultural Diploma-Degree, X and other students

 * Required Documents *

 * 1. * Aadhar Card

 * 2. * Marksheet of last examination

 * 2. * Example of income

 * 2. * Receipt of payment of fee

 * 2. * Bank passbook

 * 2. * Bonofied Certificate (Available in College)

 * 3. * Example of caste

 * 2. * L.C.

 * 2. * Passport photo and signature

 10.  Hostel Certificate (if living in a hostel)

  11.  Affidavit in case of defect in study (only if it is more than 1 year)

 Last date to go online.   12/11/2071 

 There is a website for complete information on how to apply.

 A request to share this message with every student who needs it .. Please .

Department of Social Justice and Empowerment, Gandhinagar Director, Scheduled Caste Welfare, State of Gujarat, Gandhinagar Government of India / State Government Post Matric Scholarship / Assistance Schemes for Implementing Online Director of Scheduled Caste Welfare, Gujarat State, Gandhinagar  (Https: //,in), the original Gujarat State Std: 11-12, Diploma, ITI Graduate, Post Graduate MPhil, Ph.D.  For students of Scheduled Castes studying in schools / institutions / Universities / Colleges / IT ../ Institutions or students who do not want to take lakhs in MYSY Mukhyamantri Yuva Swavalamban Yojana or any other scheme of the state government like last year, current academic year: 2018  Online applications for scholarship assistance are invited.  Post Matric Scholarship for SC Students 0) [ICK - 6.1] PostMatric Scholarship for 5C Student (G0) [Freeship Card Students Only) (BCK - 6.1) Food Bill Assistance to SC Students (BCK - 10) Fellowship Scheme for M Phil,  Ph.D.  for SC students (BCK - 11) Instrutrientallelp to St Students [Mexico, ngineering aiploma Students only) (BCK - 12) Scholarship / stupend to SC Students for I / Professioral Courses (BCK - 13) h.  .. Post Matric Scholarship for SC Girls Students only invintamnmni Farmily income between 2.0 to 6.00 Lac) (Sunte Government Scheme} (EBCK-) 6A cost Matric Scholarship for 5 Girls Students only (Hiving around Family Income More than 6,000 Lac) [State Government  Scheme) (UCk + 5} Private Tuftion Coaching Assistance to 5C Students (Science Stream) [te: 11-13} (BCK - 7) 7. 18. Tablet Assistance to SC Students (BCK - 353)  Important guidelines for students to apply more online and details of schemes for students. For students for Scheduled Castes of school, college and university institution level for the academic year 2031.5 under the scheme only.  Students are advised to apply online on the website https: //www.digitalgu | to avail scholarship assistance by 2021. For online application information, students are asked to postmutric scholarships to Scheduled Caste students on "Digital Gujarat Portal".  For that you have to read which can be downloaded from Digital Gujarat Portal.  A - First students have to make a new station as Citize on Digital Gujarat Portal website.  The new registration will have to be done through Aadhaar number, E-mallIP, mobile as well as self-determined password which will have to be saved for this portal.

The new registration will have to be done through Aadhaar number, E-mallIP, mobile as well as self-determined password which will have to be saved for this portal.  E-mall IB and mobile number are mandatory at the time of registration.  The above mobile number is requested to continue till the full course scholarship assistance is received.  ) Must be updated.  (Even if My Frofile is not updated, the student can apply online.) A student who has previously done profile registration on Digital Gujarat Portal, such as those who have applied online for the scholarship scheme through Sadarjju Portal in the previous year, have applied for the tablet or  Have applied for benefits in other scholarship schemes of the portal) they will not have to re-station.  They have logged in with the previous gin ID Ji key word which will be able to apply directly to the applicable scheme.  After receiving the password, his mobile number will be User I and the password will be the new one.  Vorget password "option is available on the login page on Digital Gujarat Portal, → * → .. → → .. 1. 1 2.. 4. 5 .. if the registered mobile number of students is lost or closed for any reason  Such students can contact the SC / ST / OBC office of the district and change their mobile number in their pocket by establishing their identity.  After clicking on the “Scholarship” option in the “Financial year” pop-down menu, select Year: 2018-19, 2018-19, 2018-20 or Year - 2020-21 if the year:  If any scholarship application has been made online in 2016-17, 2018-19, 2018-20 or 2020-21, the application can be viewed and to apply online for the current year 20616, only the year 2021-1 has to be selected in the meclal Year "drop down menu.  Scheduled Caste Education  If the students are studying in an accredited institute outside Gujarat State, they also have to apply online on the Digital Gujarat Portal and a copy of all the documents uploaded along with the done form and the accreditation of the institute.  Accreditation of its syllabus and a copy of the institute's fee wage order along with the forwarding of the institute shall be submitted to the district office of the native.  Students who choose a state other than Gujarat in the Registration Dotail → Currom Actress State "while filling up the Scholarship Scheme form will be considered as studying outside the State.

Vorget password "option is available on the login page on Digital Gujarat Portal, → * → .. → → .. 1. 1 2.. 4. 5 .. if the registered mobile number of students is lost or closed for any reason  Such students can contact the SC / ST / OBC office of the district and change their mobile number in their pocket by establishing their identity.  After clicking on the “Scholarship” option in the “Financial year” pop-down menu, select Year: 2018-19, 2018-19, 2018-20 or Year - 2020-21 if the year:  If any scholarship application has been made online in 2016-17, 2018-19, 2018-20 or 2020-21, the application can be viewed and to apply online for the current year 20616, only the year 2021-1 has to be selected in the meclal Year "drop down menu.  Scheduled Caste Education  If the students are studying in an accredited institute outside Gujarat State, they also have to apply online on the Digital Gujarat Portal and a copy of all the documents uploaded along with the done form and the accreditation of the institute.  Accreditation of its syllabus and a copy of the institute's fee wage order along with the forwarding of the institute shall be submitted to the district office of the native.  Students who choose a state other than Gujarat in the Registration Dotail → Currom Actress State "while filling up the Scholarship Scheme form will be considered as studying outside the State.  Will be credited to the student's bank account.After the scholarship is credited to the student's account, the student will have to pay the fee payable to his college institution on day 3. If the student does not pay such fee to the college institution within time  Levy | As per the new guideline of Government of India's Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme "From the academic year 2021-22

 students will be paid 50% of the total scholarship amount by the first State Government then the remaining 50% will be paid by the Central Government directly to the student's bank account.  - Seek out college students.  * For renewal students, students who had applied online in the last year 2020-21 and received scholarships as per the rules have been placed in the current year's renewable semi-automatic "Renewal" mode, i.e. those students do not have to apply fresh by clicking on the "Renewal" button.  All the details like Registration Detail, Bank Detail, Academic Detail, inbility Detail etc. should be checked and the required bidani should be uploaded and sent online.  Students can CAN and upload the regional document) which was awarded to the students last year

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