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Thursday, 19 August 2021

Total Education - Gujarat NIOS guideline

Total Education - Gujarat
NIOS guideline 
 Total Education is a new scheme of the Ministry of Education, Government of India.  There is an important program in the field of school-education extending from pre-school to standard 12, and there is a broad goal of improving school effectiveness measured in terms of school effectiveness and equal opportunities for equal learning outcomes.  It envisages schools as pre-school, primary, upper primary, secondary to senior secondary levels. The entire education project in Gujarat is being implemented by the Gujarat School Education Council (GCSE).  It focuses on ensuring comprehensive and equal quality education from pre-school to higher secondary level, according to the Sustainable Development Gal for Education (SDG).

 Under the entire education, all 33 districts and 4 Municipal Corporations of Gujarat are covered.  A decentralized management framework is adopted for effective implementation of the project.

 The following is the guideline of distance education as a whole.

 The main objective of the entire education is the identification of students in the age group of 4 to 18 years, stabilization of enrollment according to age and quality education.  In which various schemes like KGBV, Seasonal Hostel, STP, Reading, Writing, Counting, Divyago education through public collaboration to provide school education to students up to standard 12 as well as education in the nearest school.  The emphasis is on getting.

 The following steps are taken for the education of students by the education department at the entire education.

  The enrollment of each student is ensured by the entrance ceremony.

 Attendance of each child is ensured.

 Hostel, transport, books, equipment are provided as per requirement.

 Students are encouraged for virtual learning by increasing the infrastructural facilities in the school.

 Efforts are being made to increase the participation of local community i.e. sc and mc.

 Irregular student attendance is tracked and parents are contacted.

 Thus, under the entire education, all the children in the age group of 4 to 18 years are given first priority for enrollment and education in the nearest primary or secondary school in the age-wise standard.  However, at the secondary and higher secondary levels, students drop out for various reasons and education does not keep pace.  In order to keep such students involved in education, as stated in Chapters 3 and 4 of the National Education Policy 2020, students who are from disadvantaged groups, tribes and aspirational districts as well as drop out of education for other reasons.  Students such at home.  Provision has been made in the entire education budget for such children under the Ministry of Education (MoE) of the Government of India to continue their education at secondary and higher secondary level through distance education at home.  Under the scheme, the State Open Education Board or the National Board of Education (NIOS) emphasizes on completion of education to children up to the age of 18 years who have not been able to complete secondary and higher secondary education through distance learning.

  The benefits of distance learning are as follows.  The student has a wide range of subject choices.

 Students do not need to attend school regularly but need guidance at their own time.

 Books are available to students in Gujarati, Hindi, English as well as other mediums.  Students can take the exam twice a year (April and October),

  Students get the opportunity of registration and examination in their district center, students' station is considered valid for 5 years.

Priority should be given to girls and disabled from poor families in Aspirational District, Tribal District Sagarkhed and Agaria area, Urban area, Slum area, Sweeper orphans, Single parents, Garbage weaving, Retail labor

 Priority should be given to the children of the guardians (girls and the disabled).  BPL  The children of the family should be given priority.  Both parents of children who have died during Covid-19. 

 The first priority must be given.

 Repeater students will be able to take the exam from Gujarat Board or from that board only.  Such students will not be able to join the scheme.

 Primary priority should be given to paralyzed children suffering from serious illness and also to girls.  15 to 18 who have dropped out of school for the last two years and are not studying elsewhere

 Only students in the age group of the year should be included.  A form will be provided by the state office for the selection of students.  This form should be delivered to the designated schools by photocopy / print (with exact serial number) as per the requirement of the district.

 (Cluster's P. Center School)

 OIC, the nodal officer of the state office, is fully responsible for the coordination of distance learning.

 Will be ARVE.  Through which the district team will get guidance

 District level operations

 From the district level, the entire operation will be the responsibility of the district R&VE Co., who

 All these operations have to be done under the guidance of DEO Shri.  Grant allocation, filing, cost review and all

 Necessary coordination with NIOS Center and Regional Office for training, application, admission, evaluation, educational literature in a timely manner in coordination with other OICOs from the district level.  Verification of the forms submitted by the district level, Education Coordinator, IED Co-ordinator and A.R.  & V.E.  To form a committee of coordinators. This committee will have to check the form as per the guidelines of the state office and get the approval of the DEO.  Targets as well as other district AR&VE.  Co-ordinator NIOS related physical and financial

 Necessary records must be maintained and preserved.  NIOS related syllabus, literature admission, assessment, fee / grant, result, necessary guidance should be given to the registered students as well as details of IS contact number, TV channel, YouTube etc. should be provided to the students.

 Taluka Staff for Distance Education (BRCCO, CRCCO, Government and Aided School Principals, Teachers, SMC and SMDC)  In order to provide purposeful guidance to the members as well as the parents and students, the training should be organized in coordination with the NIOS.

 Taluka staff for distance education (BR, CCO, CRCCO, government and grant aided school principals, teachers, SMC and SMDC)  The training should be organized in coordination with NIOS so that the members as well as the parents and students can get purposeful guidance.

 Taluka level operations

 BRC is responsible for the entire operation from the taluka level.  Co. will remain.  B.R.C.  All the operations of the COO Pad's proposal and coordination with the district within the time limit

 It has to be ensured that it happens properly.  The taluka level will have to coordinate with the NIOS Center for the required training, proposal, admission, assessment, educational literature within the time limit.

 Verification of the form at the taluka level, verification of the form as per the guidelines of the state and district office for final selection of students, list of students in Excel format as well as file in hardcopy.

 Prepared and sent to the district with verification and authentication of details.  B.R.C.  The Co-ordinator will have to maintain and maintain the necessary NIOS related records.  NIOS related course, literature, admission, assessment, free / grant, result, required guidance to students

 Registered students have to be given as well as the contact number of NIOS for this, TV channel, YouTube etc. details have to be provided to the students.

 Taluka staff for distance education (CRCO), government and grant aided school principals, teachers,

 Provide purposeful guidance to SMC and SMDC members as well as parents and students.

 For that, training has to be organized in coordination with NIOS

 Cluster level operations:
 From the cluster level, the responsibility of this entire operation lies with the CRC.  Co. will remain.  * C.R.C.  The COO is within the NIOS proposal, filing and all operational time limits of the cluster level

 The NIOS Center for Training, Proposals, Admissions, Evaluation, Typical Literature required at the cluster level in a timely manner.

 Will have to do the necessary coordination with

 Verification of the form at the cluster level, verification of the form as per the guidelines of the state and district offices for final selection of students, list of students in aerol format as well as hardcopy

 The tax details have to be sent to the district with verification and authentication,

  C.R.C.  The Co-ordinator will have to maintain and maintain the necessary NIOS related records.  Courses, Literature, Admissions, Evaluation, Fees / Grants, Result, Necessary Guide to Nios related to students

 Registered students have to be given as well as the contact number of NIOS for this, TV channel, YouTube etc. details have to be provided to the students.  Taluka Staff for Distance Education (CRCCO) Government and Granted School Principals, Teachers,

 S.M.C.  And in order to provide purposeful guidance to the members of SMDC as well as parents and students, training has to be organized in coordination with NIOS.

School level performance:

 From the school level, the responsibility of this entire operation will be with the Principal.  The Principal / M.Sc. will have to ensure that the NIOS proposal is implemented within the time limit.  PS Center for Training, Application, Admission, Evaluation, Educational Literature required by the school level within the time limit.

 Will have to do the necessary coordination with.  After completing the proper filing process of the form at the school level, verifying the form as per the guidelines and checklist of the state and district office, prepared the file in hard copy along with the list of students and the form.

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