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Tuesday, 31 August 2021

1 August 2021 thi School time related Paripatra

1 August 2021 thi School time related Paripatr

Subject: - Matter of keeping primary school time as per routine.  

Education News : પ્રાથમિક શાળાઓના સમય રાબેતા મુજબ રાખવા બાબત વિવિધ જિલ્લાના લેટર
 According to the above subject and reference, considering the current Kovid-12 epidemic, Hon'ble Secretary, as per the instruction received from Education, the time of all the primary schools of Chhotaudepur

district-occupied talukas should be kept in the
morning from Was located which has canceled the morning time.  And now the government has asked to give the educational work of Std. 6 to 8 upper primary schools directly offline.  So the school time is now asked to be kept from .  In addition, in view of the provisions of RTE Act-2009, all the primary schools under your jurisdiction are instructed from your level to fix the school hours.

Regarding the above subject, it should be

mentioned that in all the primary schools run by Dahod District Education Committee, the time of all the primary schools was kept from  in the morning.  It has now been stated that the educational work of Std. 6 to 8 upper primary schools will be given directly offline from  So that school time is no longer in the morning, it is advised to keep it as usual from.

Important Link

Important Link

Kheda Nadiyad 10 to 6 Paripatra : Click Here

Vadodara Karjan 9.30 to 5.30 : Click Here

Bhavnagar 10 to 6 School time : Click Here

Botad 9.30 to 5.30 School time : Click Here

Download Dahod Paripatra : Page 1 || Page 2

Download Chhota Udepur : Click Here

આજે 12:00 વાગ્યે શાળા ફરી શરુ કરવા માટે COVID-19 એસ.ઓ.પી. ની ટેલિકોન્ફરન્સ જોવા માટેની લિંક

 In addition, as per the provisions made in the free and compulsory education act-2006 and rule-12 and the instruction of the resolution of reference-2, 8 hours of work on a weekly basis through the teacher becomes mandatory for the educational co-educational work in the schools.  So that in order to complete the above working hours, it is necessary to attend school for 03 days and 4 hours and on Saturdays for 05 hours.

 A teacher is a good person who takes very important responsibility of shaping up the lives of young ones and impressionable children. They get great feeling, pride and true joy in their life by teaching their students on the right path. They never do any type of partiality between good or bad students instead they always try to bring bad one on the right path through their lots of efforts.

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