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Tuesday, 19 January 2021

How to Check CCC Result Of All Univercity

How to Check CCC Result Of All Univercity
Higher educational qualification of commuter from government office
 Employees / officers having cum of commuter skills.  CCC Matter of exemption from CCC, + examination.  (Resolutions and Circulars) Satyamev Jayate Government of Gujarat, General Administration Department, Resolution No .: Perch-1020016-17-Part-3-K Secretariat, Gandhinagar Dat.  11-9-2017

 (1) Resolution No. Parch-102008-13-K-Dt. 30-4-2007 (II) Declaration of SVV K: GS / 2007/31 / Khatap / 1000p /  1912 / a.  Ta.  30-4-2008 (4) Resolution No. of SVV: Perch-102008-12-Part-3-K, dated 01-06-2017 (4) SVV.  No. Resolution No .: Perch-102004-17-Part-3-K, Dt. 05-09-2017. Introduction: After being appointed by direct recruitment in the State Government, the employees / officers of direct recruitment have taken the above reading under No. (i) of General Administration Department  .  Under the Computer Skills Training and Examination Rules formulated from the declaration dated 30-6-2008, during and after the probationary period, in order to get promotion / higher salary standard, it is necessary to pass the relevant CCC / CCC + examination of computer skills.  In the last few years, these commuter skills training and examination degrees with master's degree and bachelor's degree level commuter related degrees have been taken by the candidates with much higher type of computer qualifications than the prescribed syllabus of CCC / CCC + examination under the rules.  Resolution of General Administration Department under No. (3) and (3).


Examinations have been conducted as per the “software” prepared by Gujarat Technological University for the assignment of CCC examination to the above eight universities. According to the ‘software’ prepared by the university for what it can do.

 In this regard, other degree courses related to commuter were also given exemption from passing CCC / CCC + training and examination of computer skills.  In this regard, on the basis of the opinion given by the expert committee of the Office of the Director of Technical Education, the matter of exempting other degree-related courses related to commuter from passing the CCC-CCC + training and examination of computer skills is under consideration of the Government.
 Resolution: After careful consideration in this matter, appointment in any cadre in the state government through direct recruitment.

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